About Heather Gray-Grant

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So far Heather Gray-Grant has created 178 blog entries.

Preparing Your Law Firm for a Pandemic

Like most businesses, small to medium-sized law firms depend on business as usual to meet their revenue targets and cover expenses.  Most can withstand an economic downturn, the loss of an important client, the sudden need for new technology hardware, etc.  Preparing for a longer-term threat is a different. We are facing a pandemic.  While [...]

By |2020-03-06T17:44:34-05:00March 6th, 2020|Strategic Planning|0 Comments

Maximizing Your Non-Billable Client Meetings

Lawyer time is valuable… and so is client time.   When a lawyer has decided to meet with a client in a non-billable capacity, they are well-served by taking the time to ensure both parties receive maximum value in the exchange. Contrary to popular belief, showing up for a non-billable meeting with a client isn't enough. [...]

By |2020-02-23T14:09:29-05:00February 23rd, 2020|Business Development, Client Focus, Planning|0 Comments

What’s My Exit Strategy?

Are you a lawyer considering retirement, or do you know someone who needs to start thinking about their retirement?  If so, read on... It seems counter-productive to be thinking of an exit strategy when building a business; but that’s precisely what experts say you should do.  This was particularly relevant during the .com era when [...]

By |2020-02-11T18:21:06-05:00February 11th, 2020|Career Management, Free Advice, Planning, Succession|0 Comments

How to Better Deal with Stress in Law Firms

 “Survival mode is supposed to be a phase that helps save your life.  It’s not meant to be how you live”.  Michele Rosenthal, Author and Trauma Therapist. Whether I’m coaching individual lawyers or assisting a firm with a strategic plan, inevitably the concept of stress management will arise.  It could be at the heart of [...]

By |2020-01-20T17:52:10-05:00January 20th, 2020|Coaching|0 Comments

The Value of Delegating Decision-Making

(This article first appeared in SLAW) Business decisions – especially those involving marketing and branding - require careful consideration.  But they also require timely action.  Are law firms hurting themselves by being too slow and cumbersome in making business decisions? Within administrative and outside provider circles, law firms are notorious for their slow reactions and [...]

By |2020-01-03T12:30:25-05:00January 3rd, 2020|Business Management|0 Comments

Reflecting on 2019; Planning for 2020

For me, December is a time of reflection and planning.  I start by reflecting on my plan and actions for the current year.   Did I do all of the things I had committed to doing?  If not, why?  What can I learn from that?  Did I accomplish what I wanted to.  If not, why?  Did [...]

By |2019-12-17T18:13:05-05:00December 17th, 2019|Planning|0 Comments

How Fire Fighters Can Teach You to Make Critical Business/Marketing Decisions

By definition, make or break decisions occur when we have the least amount of time and emotional control to make them.  How can we make the best possible decision in the worst possible circumstances? Management is about dealing with people and things – including events.  We can’t possible manage every timekeeper, every moment of the [...]

Overcoming Excuses for Not Marketing

(This article is for individual lawyers but especially for Managing Partners and Executive Teams, Marketing Partners and Directors, and leaders of practice groups and client teams). We all know that a law firm is hardly the ideal environment for marketing.  Typically, lawyers are more on the introverted scale: they don’t like socializing with people they [...]

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