It’s Time to Create Your 2024 Personal Plan

Typically, lawyers work from 40 – 80 hours per week.  If they are able to bill out 2/3rds of that time, they are lucky (or organized).  But it could be better.  The difference between billed work and the rest of that time is often wasted or at least under-utilized time.  That’s because most lawyers don’t [...]

Preparing For Partnership

I’ve received several requests to outline a good pathway to Partnership.  (I’m referring here to Equity Partner).  A pathway is critical because there are a lot of lawyers (and owners) set to retire in the coming ten years.  Properly preparing for Partnership and being prepared to run what is often a multi million-dollar business was [...]

An Ode to Professional Management Staff

I’ve written about this in the past but it merits repeating.  As you critique your past year and prepare to make plans for the year coming, consider one of the best ways to improve your efficiency and promote productivity in the firm.  Professional legal managers (office manager or COO, Accounting Manager, Marketing Manger, HR Manager, [...]

By |2021-11-20T13:30:56-05:00November 20th, 2021|Career Management, Firm Management|0 Comments

What Associates Should Look for in a Law Firm (and vice versa)

Recruiters make a lot of money helping to place Associates in law firms.  It’s a great service, but their motivation places emphasis on movement in the marketplace rather than stability.  And movement follows because most Associates don’t really know what they’re looking for and how to assess if firms have those things.  And most law [...]

Rethinking the Trajectory of an Associate

(On October 21st, I’ll be presenting a session on how to use the pandemic as a catalyst for positive change in law firms, through CLEBC. Find information on that session here: . In this blog post, I’ll highlight one element of that presentation). When he first took office, Obama suggested that the only time [...]

What’s My Exit Strategy?

Are you a lawyer considering retirement, or do you know someone who needs to start thinking about their retirement?  If so, read on... It seems counter-productive to be thinking of an exit strategy when building a business; but that’s precisely what experts say you should do.  This was particularly relevant during the .com era when [...]

By |2020-02-11T18:21:06-05:00February 11th, 2020|Career Management, Free Advice, Planning, Succession|0 Comments

How Fire Fighters Can Teach You to Make Critical Business/Marketing Decisions

By definition, make or break decisions occur when we have the least amount of time and emotional control to make them.  How can we make the best possible decision in the worst possible circumstances? Management is about dealing with people and things – including events.  We can’t possible manage every timekeeper, every moment of the [...]

Lawyer Career Management 101

When you decided to become a lawyer, you took the time and energy to plot out a pathway.  You took the right courses and got the grades needed to get into law school.   You participated in extracurricular activities that would look good on your resume to secure summer positions and later, a good articling position.  [...]

By |2019-07-09T13:09:33-04:00July 9th, 2019|Career Management|0 Comments
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