It’s Time to Create Your 2024 Personal Plan

Typically, lawyers work from 40 – 80 hours per week.  If they are able to bill out 2/3rds of that time, they are lucky (or organized).  But it could be better.  The difference between billed work and the rest of that time is often wasted or at least under-utilized time.  That’s because most lawyers don’t [...]

Three Ways to Run a Law Firm

I was recently asked how a law firm management philosophy relates to the strategic planning process.  It was a great question, because how we manage a firm (or plan to manage a firm) must either be aligned with firm culture, or set out to consciously adjust firm culture.  So how we plan sets the tone [...]

Harnessing the Power of Practice Groups

(This post first appeared in SLAW) Most firms have come to appreciate the value of practice groups in their management and marketing; but not everyone knows why they are more powerful than operating without them, which may result in their under-utilization.  In this post I’ll explain the evolution of practice groups, what they look like [...]

What is the Value of Marketing Goals

(This article was originally published in SLAW). When I ask lawyers what their firm’s business goals are for the year, it’s shocking how few know the answer, often because those goals don’t exist. So, it’s understandable that when I ask those same lawyers for their personal business goals are, they don’t know those either.   Firms [...]

A US/BC Comparison of the Law Firm Zeitgeist

I have a lot of time for Law Firm Marketing Researcher Michael Rynowecer. So, when his blog “The Mad Clientist” arrives in my inbox, I usually read it. The latest edition highlights recent research his company, BTI Consulting, regarding the current US law firm mood, seven months into the pandemic. For fun, I thought I’d [...]

How Law Firms Can Prepare for What’s Ahead

It’s official: we are headed into a recession and possibly a depression. And we’re headed into this abyss while still in quarantine, which may last until there’s a vaccine and the time needed to inoculate everyone. Government assistance – for those who qualify – helps, but can’t last forever. How do we get out of [...]

Maximizing Your Non-Billable Client Meetings

Lawyer time is valuable… and so is client time.   When a lawyer has decided to meet with a client in a non-billable capacity, they are well-served by taking the time to ensure both parties receive maximum value in the exchange. Contrary to popular belief, showing up for a non-billable meeting with a client isn't enough. [...]

By |2020-02-23T14:09:29-05:00February 23rd, 2020|Business Development, Client Focus, Planning|0 Comments
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