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So far Heather Gray-Grant has created 178 blog entries.

Is Parkinson’s Law Working Against Your Marketing Efforts?

I learn about things that can help marketing from all sorts of interesting sources.  For example, I heard about Parkinson’s Law from Malcolm Gladwell in his podcast “Revisionist History”.  At first, I thought he was talking about Parkinson’s Disease, the progressive nervous system disorder.  But Gladwell clarified that Parkinson’s Law is the belief that work [...]

Is Dishonesty Hurting Your Firm?

Having worked in or with law firms for over 30 years now, I can say that in my experience, law firms have a hard time being honest about certain things.  I’m not for a minute suggesting that lawyers do not tell the truth.  The foundation of every firm I’ve worked with is the personal integrity [...]

Charitable Giving Programs as Part of Marketing

Most law firms I know are very giving from a charitable perspective.  This could include altruistic monetary donations, support for client events, support of charitable initiatives involving the firm’s lawyers or staff, or in-house events in support of a charity. I’m always interested to see where in the budget these activities reside.  It says a [...]

Lawyer Career Management 101

When you decided to become a lawyer, you took the time and energy to plot out a pathway.  You took the right courses and got the grades needed to get into law school.   You participated in extracurricular activities that would look good on your resume to secure summer positions and later, a good articling position.  [...]

By |2019-07-09T13:09:33-04:00July 9th, 2019|Career Management|0 Comments

Buying and Selling a Law Practice

Over the next ten or so years, we will see a marketplace-shifting change in law  firm ownership as baby boomers retire and decide what to do with their practice.  This is a time of high angst for those about to leave the law, and potentially a remarkable opportunity for the more entrepreneurial and thick- stomached [...]

Moving from Planning to Implementation

Increasingly, law firms are learning to appreciate the value of individual lawyer marketing plans.  But paperwork is only the first step.  A plan is useless without implementation.  Yet how does a firm convince a busy lawyer to implement on those plans? Too often, in firms that require personal plans, lawyers will begrudgingly prepare them but [...]

Why Business Coaching Doesn’t Just Help You at Work

Business coaching provides a supportive environment in which to admit to and work on challenges and weaknesses that are holding us back at work in some way.   These weaknesses rarely relate to legal knowledge.  More often, they involve practice management concerns such as delegation, financial management, file management, time management, leadership, how to deal with [...]

By |2019-04-20T13:39:08-04:00April 20th, 2019|Coaching|0 Comments
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