Just Do It!

A client once asked me for the best piece of advice I could give a client and I said “listen to me”.  But the reality is that my clients probably follow the rule of thirds: one third absolute listen and do what I suggest, a third try it for a while but eventually let their [...]

By |2024-05-30T15:23:43-04:00May 30th, 2024|Business Development, Planning|0 Comments

Harnessing the Power of Practice Groups

(This post first appeared in SLAW) Most firms have come to appreciate the value of practice groups in their management and marketing; but not everyone knows why they are more powerful than operating without them, which may result in their under-utilization.  In this post I’ll explain the evolution of practice groups, what they look like [...]

A US/BC Comparison of the Law Firm Zeitgeist

I have a lot of time for Law Firm Marketing Researcher Michael Rynowecer. So, when his blog “The Mad Clientist” arrives in my inbox, I usually read it. The latest edition highlights recent research his company, BTI Consulting, regarding the current US law firm mood, seven months into the pandemic. For fun, I thought I’d [...]

Maximizing Your Non-Billable Client Meetings

Lawyer time is valuable… and so is client time.   When a lawyer has decided to meet with a client in a non-billable capacity, they are well-served by taking the time to ensure both parties receive maximum value in the exchange. Contrary to popular belief, showing up for a non-billable meeting with a client isn't enough. [...]

By |2020-02-23T14:09:29-05:00February 23rd, 2020|Business Development, Client Focus, Planning|0 Comments

Moving from Planning to Implementation

Increasingly, law firms are learning to appreciate the value of individual lawyer marketing plans.  But paperwork is only the first step.  A plan is useless without implementation.  Yet how does a firm convince a busy lawyer to implement on those plans? Too often, in firms that require personal plans, lawyers will begrudgingly prepare them but [...]

Is it Ever Really Just Lunch?

If you aren’t preparing for every interaction with a client or prospect, you may be wasting your time and theirs.  Here’s some food for thought on lunches and other planned client interactions.  Lawyers who “do lunch” do so because it seems like part of a healthy marketing strategy.  And it is.  But just showing up [...]

The Cost of Doing (Marketing) Business as Usual

Most businesses – especially law firms – must market to some degree.  And they do.  They have a website. They print business cards.  They make sure the logo is used on tombstone ads and sponsorship programs.  Law firms do spend some money on marketing, and some of their lawyers even spend time on marketing – [...]

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