Truth vs. Intent – A Critical Law Firm Leader Lesson

I’m a fan of CBC.  I think the national communications platform plays an important role in our country. I see them as informative, insightful and strong in exploring information of importance to Canadians.  And I love my podcasts, especially CBC’s weekday Front Burner. But today’s episode threw me.  It speculated on how easy it might [...]

By |2025-02-18T13:40:51-05:00February 18th, 2025|Business Management, Communications, Leadership|0 Comments

Make Your Communications Meaningful (or Risk Losing Power)

I recently received an email from an organization in which I used to be quite active.  The purpose was an announcement of an amalgamation of segments of the organization.  The message was well-written in a technical sense.  It included a summary of the change, some of the activities leading up to the decision for the [...]

By |2020-08-16T13:31:29-04:00August 16th, 2020|Business Management, Communications|0 Comments

Effectively Managing Change in a Law Firm

Change is a reality of business.  Client needs shift; legal expertise shifts due to retirements and new hires; legislation and case law create new opportunities and close down previous legal practises.  Change is hard for most people, but particularly for lawyers.  The lawyer personality doesn’t like change; it likes the expected, precedent and tradition.   Lawyers [...]

Just Tell Me How to Market My Firm!

I often get asked “what kind of marketing should we do?” Or I’m asked to “just provide us with a bunch of great marketing ideas”.  No time spent determining what the firm wants to look like in the future.  No proper assessment of where they are today.  No indication of what success would look like.  [...]

What Is PR?

(A guest post from PR expert Deborah Folka). “So, what is PR exactly?” This is a question that can confound even the most articulate and experienced public relations practitioner. And that’s because it means different things to different people and PR is a very broad field. But let’s try to get some easy definitions into [...]

By |2019-01-28T09:58:43-05:00September 19th, 2016|Communications|0 Comments

The Move to Visuals (and Why You Should Care)

Social Media Camp is the national conference on social media that attracts international speakers and attendees. At this year’s event, virtually all presenters agreed that images and video are taking over the internet. What do they mean by this?   Consider the following: YouTube is now the second largest search engine - just behind Google [...]

By |2019-01-28T09:58:43-05:00September 10th, 2016|Communications, Uncategorized|0 Comments

When you just don’t want to talk about it

A guest post from PR and communications expert Deborah Folka - on how to deal with particularly difficult external communications issues... While there are many times you seek attention from your community, the media and the greater public, there are also times when you just don’t want to talk about it. When your organization has a situation [...]

By |2019-01-28T09:58:45-05:00May 24th, 2016|Communications|0 Comments

What is Newsworthy?

This week, a guest post from Vancouver-based communications expert Deborah Folka who explains what’s newsworthy, and how to ensure your topic gets strong coverage. Many professional service firms produce news releases about ‘news’ that isn’t of interest to anyone beyond their own front doors. Hint: news of someone making partner isn’t of great interest to [...]

By |2019-01-28T09:58:45-05:00March 21st, 2016|Communications|0 Comments
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