A US/BC Comparison of the Law Firm Zeitgeist

I have a lot of time for Law Firm Marketing Researcher Michael Rynowecer. So, when his blog “The Mad Clientist” arrives in my inbox, I usually read it. The latest edition highlights recent research his company, BTI Consulting, regarding the current US law firm mood, seven months into the pandemic. For fun, I thought I’d [...]

What’s Your Contact Management Game Plan?

Great marketing isn’t a single action; rather it’s a series of connected actions, each one building from the other for the purpose of creating a mutually beneficial and ideally ongoing relationship.  This is a difficult lesson for lawyers to get, for three main reasons. Most lawyers don’t like marketing. It isn’t why they joined the [...]

Lessons Learned from a Law Firm Breakdown

(This article first appeared in SLAW)  The line between bad strategy and a law firm collapse is as thin as a noose.   Yet law firms practice bad strategy on a regular basis.  Take heed from the lessons of a very public breakdown. A client recently gave me a copy of Norman Bacal’s book “Breakdown, the Inside [...]

Preparing Your Law Firm for a Pandemic

Like most businesses, small to medium-sized law firms depend on business as usual to meet their revenue targets and cover expenses.  Most can withstand an economic downturn, the loss of an important client, the sudden need for new technology hardware, etc.  Preparing for a longer-term threat is a different. We are facing a pandemic.  While [...]

By |2020-03-06T17:44:34-05:00March 6th, 2020|Strategic Planning|0 Comments

How Fire Fighters Can Teach You to Make Critical Business/Marketing Decisions

By definition, make or break decisions occur when we have the least amount of time and emotional control to make them.  How can we make the best possible decision in the worst possible circumstances? Management is about dealing with people and things – including events.  We can’t possible manage every timekeeper, every moment of the [...]

Buying and Selling a Law Practice

Over the next ten or so years, we will see a marketplace-shifting change in law  firm ownership as baby boomers retire and decide what to do with their practice.  This is a time of high angst for those about to leave the law, and potentially a remarkable opportunity for the more entrepreneurial and thick- stomached [...]

How to Create Strong Law Firm Managers

While law firms tend to be a relatively flat structure, there is usually a management structure that helps to guide things along.  Typically, this includes a lawyer leadership team (a Managing Partner and potentially, an Executive Committee), practice or client team leaders if the firm is organized into teams, and an administrative team comprised of [...]

How Lawyers Can Become More Effective Managers

Law firm managers need to be active, conscious and pro-active in their role.  Management is not merely a title, it is a critical role that is seldom done well in a law firm. Law firms require a range of managers. These include professional managers such as Administrators, marketing or IT directors and the like.  But [...]

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