About Heather Gray-Grant

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So far Heather Gray-Grant has created 178 blog entries.

Truth vs. Intent – A Critical Law Firm Leader Lesson

I’m a fan of CBC.  I think the national communications platform plays an important role in our country. I see them as informative, insightful and strong in exploring information of importance to Canadians.  And I love my podcasts, especially CBC’s weekday Front Burner. But today’s episode threw me.  It speculated on how easy it might [...]

By |2025-02-18T13:40:51-05:00February 18th, 2025|Business Management, Communications, Leadership|0 Comments

Let’s Make 2025 the Year of the “Pause”

A good portion of my coaching- from Managing Partners to individual lawyers - is about helping them to identify and fix areas of self-sabotage.  This is particularly the case when they are faced with strong challenges, or issues they consider to be a threat.  These moments can take them into their egos faster than you [...]

By |2025-01-04T13:36:05-05:00January 4th, 2025|Branding|0 Comments

Un-Polarizing Your Law Firm

I live in Canada, but as a strategist, I’m fascinated by the lessons arising from the recent election down South.  Specifically, I was shocked by how divided America is between two radially different ideologies.  Honestly, they couldn’t be more different.  And we’re facing the same thing in Canada.  In BC, where I live, we recently [...]

Law Firms and the Concept of Inoculation vs. the Flu

I recently listened to a podcast called “Fail Better” featuring actor David Duchovny interviewing accomplished individuals and talking about how important failure can be.  In this episode, he was interviewing Freakonomics writer and podcaster Steven Dubner and they posed the question: why is it that failure is the best lesson; why do we seem to [...]

Why Great Management Might Include Failure

Biden held onto leadership as long as he could.  But when it became apparent that he had lost the faith of his party, and that he couldn’t possibly beat Trump in the Presidential election, he was convinced to step down. There can be tremendous strength in quitting a strategy, and trying something different. Lawyers, and [...]

What Lawyers Can Learn from the Blue Angels

Currently, Prime is running a documentary on this famous flight demonstration team from the US Navy and Marine Corps.  You might have seen them (or their Canadian counterparts, the Snowbirds) perform at an airshow.  The documentary highlights the selection process, training, and performance pace of the team over a one-year period. Around the same time [...]

By |2024-06-17T18:26:18-04:00June 17th, 2024|Business Management|0 Comments

Just Do It!

A client once asked me for the best piece of advice I could give a client and I said “listen to me”.  But the reality is that my clients probably follow the rule of thirds: one third absolute listen and do what I suggest, a third try it for a while but eventually let their [...]

By |2024-05-30T15:23:43-04:00May 30th, 2024|Business Development, Planning|0 Comments

See, Do, Teach

Aficionados of medical dramas (like me) will recognize this as the adage of the surgeon.  It’s their learning curve.  See a procedure.  Do the procedure. Teach the procedure. They believe that this is the strongest way to learn a new skill in their profession. I think this method would work for lawyers as well, but [...]

By |2024-04-23T13:58:02-04:00April 23rd, 2024|Training and Mentoring|0 Comments
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