Rethinking the Trajectory of an Associate

(On October 21st, I’ll be presenting a session on how to use the pandemic as a catalyst for positive change in law firms, through CLEBC. Find information on that session here: . In this blog post, I’ll highlight one element of that presentation). When he first took office, Obama suggested that the only time [...]

The Importance of Multiple Perspectives in Law Firm Decision-Making

I’ve taken advantage of the relative quiet of the end of summer to take the free University of Alberta Indigenous Canada course.  The course provides a summary of life and history in Canada according to those where were here first.  I’m about halfway through as I write this blog post, and I’m finding it both [...]

By |2020-08-31T14:05:12-04:00August 31st, 2020|Business Management, Leadership|0 Comments

Make Your Communications Meaningful (or Risk Losing Power)

I recently received an email from an organization in which I used to be quite active.  The purpose was an announcement of an amalgamation of segments of the organization.  The message was well-written in a technical sense.  It included a summary of the change, some of the activities leading up to the decision for the [...]

By |2020-08-16T13:31:29-04:00August 16th, 2020|Business Management, Communications|0 Comments

Lessons Learned from a Law Firm Breakdown

(This article first appeared in SLAW)  The line between bad strategy and a law firm collapse is as thin as a noose.   Yet law firms practice bad strategy on a regular basis.  Take heed from the lessons of a very public breakdown. A client recently gave me a copy of Norman Bacal’s book “Breakdown, the Inside [...]

How Law Firms Can Prepare for What’s Ahead

It’s official: we are headed into a recession and possibly a depression. And we’re headed into this abyss while still in quarantine, which may last until there’s a vaccine and the time needed to inoculate everyone. Government assistance – for those who qualify – helps, but can’t last forever. How do we get out of [...]

The Value of Delegating Decision-Making

(This article first appeared in SLAW) Business decisions – especially those involving marketing and branding - require careful consideration.  But they also require timely action.  Are law firms hurting themselves by being too slow and cumbersome in making business decisions? Within administrative and outside provider circles, law firms are notorious for their slow reactions and [...]

By |2020-01-03T12:30:25-05:00January 3rd, 2020|Business Management|0 Comments

Is Dishonesty Hurting Your Firm?

Having worked in or with law firms for over 30 years now, I can say that in my experience, law firms have a hard time being honest about certain things.  I’m not for a minute suggesting that lawyers do not tell the truth.  The foundation of every firm I’ve worked with is the personal integrity [...]

Charitable Giving Programs as Part of Marketing

Most law firms I know are very giving from a charitable perspective.  This could include altruistic monetary donations, support for client events, support of charitable initiatives involving the firm’s lawyers or staff, or in-house events in support of a charity. I’m always interested to see where in the budget these activities reside.  It says a [...]

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