Overcoming Excuses for Not Marketing

(This article is for individual lawyers but especially for Managing Partners and Executive Teams, Marketing Partners and Directors, and leaders of practice groups and client teams). We all know that a law firm is hardly the ideal environment for marketing.  Typically, lawyers are more on the introverted scale: they don’t like socializing with people they [...]

Is Dishonesty Hurting Your Firm?

Having worked in or with law firms for over 30 years now, I can say that in my experience, law firms have a hard time being honest about certain things.  I’m not for a minute suggesting that lawyers do not tell the truth.  The foundation of every firm I’ve worked with is the personal integrity [...]

Buying and Selling a Law Practice

Over the next ten or so years, we will see a marketplace-shifting change in law  firm ownership as baby boomers retire and decide what to do with their practice.  This is a time of high angst for those about to leave the law, and potentially a remarkable opportunity for the more entrepreneurial and thick- stomached [...]

Aligning Your Marketing with your Firm

The most powerful marketing is honest, consistent and meaningful to your firm and your target audience.  Because of this, it makes sense to ensure that how we market ourselves reflects our firm’s values, goals and differentiators.  Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen.   Some firms spend time in a retreat or hire a consultant to take [...]

Dealing with Partner “Contrarians”

I’m ending my posts of the year with a difficult subject…individuals within a Partnership who consistently seem to be in opposition with the rest of the Partnership.  It's one of those areas of challenge that Partnerships are very good at ignoring, but ultimately to their peril. That vast majority of Partnerships function quite well.  This [...]

By |2019-01-28T09:58:34-05:00December 28th, 2018|Leadership, Uncategorized|0 Comments

How Old Belief Systems Can Cripple a Career

Precedent figures heavily in most law practices, so it’s understandable that lawyers would rely on past experiences and belief systems in the running of their lives as well.  Life experience can create wisdom.  It can also lead to our greatest weak spots.  In over twenty years of coaching lawyers, my primary goal has been to [...]

How to Create Strong Law Firm Managers

While law firms tend to be a relatively flat structure, there is usually a management structure that helps to guide things along.  Typically, this includes a lawyer leadership team (a Managing Partner and potentially, an Executive Committee), practice or client team leaders if the firm is organized into teams, and an administrative team comprised of [...]

How Lawyers Can Become More Effective Managers

Law firm managers need to be active, conscious and pro-active in their role.  Management is not merely a title, it is a critical role that is seldom done well in a law firm. Law firms require a range of managers. These include professional managers such as Administrators, marketing or IT directors and the like.  But [...]

Effectively Managing Change in a Law Firm

Change is a reality of business.  Client needs shift; legal expertise shifts due to retirements and new hires; legislation and case law create new opportunities and close down previous legal practises.  Change is hard for most people, but particularly for lawyers.  The lawyer personality doesn’t like change; it likes the expected, precedent and tradition.   Lawyers [...]

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