Just Tell Me How to Market My Firm!

I often get asked “what kind of marketing should we do?” Or I’m asked to “just provide us with a bunch of great marketing ideas”.  No time spent determining what the firm wants to look like in the future.  No proper assessment of where they are today.  No indication of what success would look like.  [...]

Tips for Improving Productivity

My friends and colleagues know me as someone who can get a tremendous amount done in a typical day, week, month or year. My secret is that I’m an efficiency nut. Over the years, I’ve developed a series of strategies that have helped me to remain as productive and organized as possible. I’ve shared these [...]

By |2019-01-28T09:58:42-05:00February 7th, 2017|Free Advice, Planning|0 Comments

A Primer on Planning for 2017

Ideally, 2017 planning would be well underway but for those just starting, there’s still time to plan well for 2017. Here's how...       Critique 2016. As each year’s plan is intended to get you one year closer to your final destination (the goals in your strategic plan, five or ten years out), you [...]

By |2019-01-28T09:58:43-05:00December 14th, 2016|Planning|0 Comments

3 Trends That Are Critical to Your Marketing Strategy

There are three trends I learned last week that should fundamentally reshape your marketing strategy right now. Last week I attended Social Media Camp, the national Social Media conference held in Victoria, B.C. each year. There, Social Media (or “social” as the in-crowd calls it) gurus from around the world gathered to discuss the latest [...]

By |2019-01-28T09:58:45-05:00May 11th, 2016|Planning, Social Media|0 Comments

Creating a Simple Business Plan

In my last post, I discussed the value of planning. In this post I’ll describe how to create a simple business plan for your firm. Step one: To quote Stephen Covey, it begins with the end in mind by considering what you want your firm to look like in ten years.  Will it be the [...]

By |2019-01-28T09:58:45-05:00January 28th, 2016|Planning|0 Comments

The Value of Planning

“Planning” is not a dirty word. In fact it’s liberating, hopeful, positive and action-oriented.  If your firm doesn’t have a carefully considered, documented plan for 2016, you need to read this post. My purpose is to help professional services firms do better. So you’d think that occasionally, my job would entail improving their existing business [...]

By |2019-01-28T09:58:45-05:00January 2nd, 2016|Planning|0 Comments
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